Personal Data Processing Information

Affiliate Partner Information upon Collection of Personal Data

1. Personal Data Controller

The personal data controller for the Affiliate Program is:
RoyalPortal LLC
EIN 87-0859916
810 Summerset Dr.
City of Hockessin 19707
Delaware, US
represented by Denisa Jedlickova, Director

(Hereinafter referred to as "RoyalPortal")


2. Legal Basis for Processing

The legal basis for processing personal data is the Affiliate Program agreement. Providing personal data is an obligation of the data subject - the Affiliate Partner, arising from the mentioned agreement.


3. Purpose of Processing

The purpose of processing personal data is to facilitate the Affiliate Program and provide services according to the agreement concluded with the Affiliate Partner.


4. Recipients of Personal Data

Recipients of personal data are the providers of the information system maintenance and other recipients as required and instructed by the Affiliate Partner for the functioning of the Affiliate Program.


5. Duration of Personal Data Processing

Personal data will be processed for the duration of the mentioned agreement and after its termination, they will be handled in accordance with applicable legislation, including Act No. 85/1996 Coll. (the Advocacy Act), Act No. 499/2004 Coll. (the Archiving and Records Service Act and the Amendment of Certain Acts), and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 (GDPR Regulation).


6. Affiliate Partner's Rights

6.1. Right of Access to Personal Data. The affiliate partner has the right to obtain information from the controller about whether their personal data is being processed and, if so, what data is being processed and how.

6.2. Right to Rectification and Completion of Personal Data. The affiliate partner has the right to correct any inaccurate personal data concerning them without undue delay upon their request. The affiliate partner also has the right to supplement incomplete personal data at any time.

6.3. Right to Erasure of Personal Data. The affiliate partner can request the erasure of personal data processed about them under certain conditions.

6.4. Restriction of Processing of Personal Data. The affiliate partner has the right to have the processing of their personal data restricted in certain cases.

6.5. Data Portability. The affiliate partner can obtain the personal data provided to the controller in a commonly used and machine-readable format and transfer this data to another controller.

6.6. Right to Withdraw Consent. The right to withdraw consent for the processing of personal data does not apply, as the personal data of the affiliate partner is processed for the purpose of fulfilling the agreement concluded with the affiliate partner, not based on consent for processing.

6.7. Complaints. If the affiliate partner is dissatisfied with the processing of their personal data conducted by the controller, they may contact the controller at More information about the rights of the affiliate partner is available on the website of the Office for Personal Data Protection ( 27276).

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your personal data, please contact us at

Last updated: November 28th, 2023

RoyalPortal LLC